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It appears that it has absolutely slipped my mind, that on top of all the things I have to do, I also have this blog that I haven't updated since the internet was invented! So now that I have rediscovered my own blog, I figured why not go back to writing about what's been going on?! Perhaps you're one of those weird people that don't have Facebook, or Snapchat, or Instagram. Or perhaps you're from the stone age and you like reading newspapers in print, and you're just now attempting to assimilate yourself into the age of technology by reading random blogs on the internet about Tattoos. Well if you are, then have I got a blog for you! And even if you are not! Perhaps you are just so computer savvy, that you have managed to surf through the darkest depths of the inter webs, to finally find yourself in the midst of this obscure blog, and you've now become so intrigued by the behind-the-scenes look at the life of a Miami Beach tattoo artist, that you have now decided to log in and follow all the new posts. Well I've got something for you too!! Not only do I like to draw, and tattoo, but I also enjoy doing some writing. So this will likely be where I come to vent and share, and talk tattoos, and perhaps a little more. Please follow along, don't be shy to comment and like. I promise, your feedback will help keep me motivated to keep bringing you more content to entertain you with.... BTW you guys remember that T-Shirt line I had been talking about for a long time? Well hopefully, I should soon have some news and updates regarding a little something like that.

So stay tuned.....

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